We have a lot of stuff happening the next few weeks
Parent Meeting - November 4th
We are meeting at 7pm at the 'IC' - ALL parents please.
We need to go over the schedule for the year, permission forms, student contract, competition schedules, all that sort of stuff.
We want ot make sure that everyone is having a good experience and that we are taking care of your child.
TELLUS Science Museum
November 14th is Kell Robotics Science night at Tellus Museum in Cartersville. We need to get our mojo together and prepare for this event. We want to have a good professional show. Students: we need to get ready.
Women in Technology - Kell Robotics
There will be a careers workshop hosted by Kell Robotics, Women in Technology Foundation and Oracle. It will be November 18th, in the evening. We are planning on having this event at KSU.
GT Robojackets - Kell Robotics
The evening of September 27th - no regular meeting. We will be having a workshop at the Georgia Tech Robojackets. Details will be announced soon..... We have to be there at about 6pm, and will leave campus about 2 hours later. We will be demo'ing the new control system for this years robot.
FIRST LEGO League - Kell Robotics
December 6th and January 10th Kell Robotics will be hosting a FIRST LEGO League tournament at Clark Creek Elementary School in Acworth.
All student are expected to participate as event volunteers. There will be a request for parent volunteers also. These events are important for advancing informal education in Georgia. Please plan on helping.
Meeting Schedule for this week
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday - 6:15 to 8:00 pm
We need to tentative plan on this Saturday to do construction work to get ready for our FLL and Tellus events.
We will build and paint FLL tables.
And fire up our grills and cook some food.
Women in Technology Grant - Thank You 
WIT gave Kell Robotics a $ 3,000 grant to upgrade our computer lab with new computers. Big shout out to WIT.
Thank you, now we can make more progress.