Learn Embedded Programming using the FRC Control System

Thin Setup Guide for C/C++ Programming
Phoenix CTRE Latest Documentation
Cross The Road Electronics - CTRE - CAN Documentation
FRC Control System Overview - 14 minutes
FRC Control System - Notes on Wiring - 11 minutes
Boolean Logic - 5 minutes
Timed Robot Interative Framework Introduction - 5 minutes
FRC C++ Hello World++ - 21 minutes
Xbox Controllers for FRC - C++ - 19 minutes
Number Bases - Digital and Analog Signals - 13 minutes
Analog, Digital, Encoder, PWM Hardware Setup - 5 minutes
Adding a Digital Input - Limit Switch - 6 minutes
Adding an Analog Input - Voltage Measurement - 7 minutes
Adding a Servo - 5 minutes
Adding a PWM Motor Controller - 5 minutes
Adding an Encoder - 8 minutes
Adding Pneumatics - 9 minutes
Adding an Old School Drivetrain - 9 minutes
Adding a 2 Motor Drivetrain with DifferentialDrive - 7 minutes
Adding a 2/6 Motor Drivetrain with DifferentialDrive - 4 minutes
Adding the NavX IMU - 7 minutes
Adding the NavX PID Rotate to Heading - 19 minutes
Adding Simple CAN - Victor - Talon Motor Control - 7 minutes